Kgalagadi Park – Kieliekrankie
Kgalagadi is the first Park to provide accommodation in three wilderness camps that, with no fences, invite the Kalahari and the tranquillity of Africa right into your room. Kieliekrankie wilderness camp is sunk into a dune, with endless views of the red Kalahari sands. Located in the Twee Rivieren region, this unique self-catering wilderness camp is accessible by passenger vehicles.
- 1 bedroom with 2 single beds – No additional persons allowed
- Equipped kitchen – Gas fridge
- Barbeque facilities on deck
- Provide own drinking water and firewood
- Solar power for lights, gas for hot water
- Wc and shower
- No children under 12 allowed
- Check in at Twee Rivieren or Mata Mata
- Closest shop and filling station at Twee Rivieren
Frequently Asked Questions
Game drives are available at Twee Rivieren, Nossob, Mata-Mata and the Kalahari Tented Camp
Enquiries can be made at the reception desks, subject to availability.
- 4 x 4 Routes, when available
- Nossob 4 x 4 Eco Trail - 214km (contact Twee Rivieren)
- Bitterpan trail - 120 km
- Mabuasehube Wilderness Trail - 155km
- Wilderness Trail (starting at Polentswa) - 257km
- Direct Route – Nossob Riverbed to Mabuasehube - 170km
- Direct Route – Kannaguass to Kaa - 85km
- Laundry tubs in camping area of Twee Rivieren, Nossob and Mata-Mata.
- Twee Rivieren, the largest rest camp and administrative base, has a swimming pool, shop, and cell phone reception.
- Restaurant - serves breakfast and dinner (A-la-Carte)
- Predator centre at Nossob.
- Hides at water hole at Nossob and Mata Mata.
- The camps have limited freezing facilities and cannot provide a freezing service to tourists.
- Shops in Twee Rivieren, Mata-Mata and Nossob sell commodities.
- Petrol and diesel are available at Mata-Mata, Nossob and Twee Rivieren.
- Five picnic sites throughout the Park with barbecue facilities and communal ablution
- Swimming pool in Twee Rivieren, Kalahari Tent Camp, Mata Mata and Nossob.
The Kalahari is a semi-arid region with an average rainfall of 150mm in the southwest to 350mm in the northeast. The unreliable and irregular rains often accompanied by strong winds and dust-storms, between November and April.
Temperatures vary greatly from -11°C on cold winter nights to 42°C in the shade on summer days when the ground surface temperature reaches a sizzling 70°C. During the winter months, when frost is common, the ground surface temperature can be 25°C lower that the temperature of the air.
Winter in the Kalahari is a cool, dry season from September to October and then a hot, wet season from November to April.
- Office Hours: 07:30 to Sundown
Closest shop to Kalahari Tent camp is at Mata Mata camp (3 km away).
Distance from Upington – 250 km.
NB Visitors must allow for the following travelling time
From Twee Rivieren to the other camps:Kieliekrankie | 1½ hours |
Urikaruus | 2½ hours |
Kalahari Tented | 3½ hours |
Mata Mata | 3½ hours |
Nossob | 4½ hours |
Bitterpan | 6½ hours |
Grootkolk | 7½ hours |
Gharagab | Not possible in one day. |
Travelling distances within the park
Twee Rivieren – Nossob | 3½ hrs |
Twee Rivieren – Mata-Mata | 2½ hrs |
Twee Rivieren – Kalahari Tented | 2½ hrs |
Twee Rivieren – Grootkolk | 6 hrs |
Nossob – Union’s End | 3 hrs |
Nossob – Mata-Mata, via Kamqua dune | 3½ hrs |
Nossob – Bitterpan | 2½ hrs |
Bitterpan – Mata-Mata | 2 hrs |
Nossob – Grootkolk | 2½ hrs |
Mata-Mata – Kalahari Tent Camp | 4 km |
- Pets are not allowed in a National Park.
- Kindly note that no firearms will be allowed in the park.
- No open game viewing vehicles or vehicles modified with an open roof or roof will be allowed
- The use of motorbikes and quad bikes are not allowed in the Park.
- Shoes are essential on summer evenings for protection against the possibility of scorpion stings.
- Keep an emergency supply of 10 litres water in your vehicle.
- In the event of a breakdown, remain in your vehicle – it is the safest place.
- This is a low-risk malaria area. Consult your chemist.
- Roads in the park have gravel surfaces.
- The use of drones inside (and over) our national parks is strictly prohibited.
- Shops in Mata Mata, Nossob and Twee Rivieren camps sell basic commodities.
- There are no credit/debit card facilities at any of the shops, except for Twee Rivieren.
- A 4x4 with high ground clearance and low range capabilities is recommended.
- Twee Rivieren is the only camp with a restaurant.
- As outdoor lighting in camps is limited, a torch/headlamp is required when walking outside at night.
- The main camps do have drinking water albeit very mineralised.
- The Wilderness camps do not have potable water and one should provide their own drinking water.
- Swimming pools at Twee Rivieren, Kalahari Tent camps, Mata Mata and Nossob camps.
- Power points at camping sites, in Twee Rivieren, Mata Mata and Nossob camps.
- Hide at waterhole in Mata Mata and Nossob camps. Waterhole at Bitterpan, Grootkolk, Kieliekrankie, Urikaruus, Gharagab and Kalahari Tent camps.
- Predator centre at Nossob camp. Bitterpan, Grootkolk, Kieliekrankie, Urikaruus, Gharagab and Kalahari Tent camps are not fenced.
- Only guests staying at Bitterpan and Gharagab are allowed to make use of these 4X4 roads
Tourists wanting to exit the park other than the point of entry must kindly note
that all immigration controls must be done at Twee Rivieren / Two Rivers and a minimum of two nights stay in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is required to be allowed to pass through the Mata Mata border post to and from Namibia or when entering or exiting the Park to or from Botswana.
Tourists crossing into Namibia
Kindly note that the standard black and white ‘ZA’ vehicle sticker is required. A road levy per trailer and per vehicle is payable at Namibian immigration when entering Namibia.
Tourists travelling from and to Namibia please acquaint yourself with the summer and winter time differences between South Africa and Namibia to plan accordingly. Winter changes - 1hr.the first Sunday in April until the first Sunday in September
Any Questions?
We would be more than happy to help you. Give us a call or email us, and we will get back to you asap.
021 8135868travel@toursa.com